Psalm 104:5-24
5 You set the world on a base so it won’t shake. 6 You cover
it with the oceans like clothing; the waters were over the mountains. 7 You
yell at them and they nick off, at the sound of your thunder they run away. 8
They rose up the mountains and into the valleys where you let them. 9 You put
up fences so they won’t jump over and cover the earth again.
10 You make Piper’s Creek flow in the valley between the
hills, 11 giving water for all the wild animals, the roos drink their fill. 12
The birds sit in the gum trees near the creek, they sing and call in the
branches. 13 From up there you water the mountains, the earth is happy with
what you do.
14 You make the grass grow for the sheep, and plants for us
to eat too 15 and beer to make us happy and bread to fill us up. 16 God trees
are well watered, the gum trees of Australia that you planted. 17 In them birds
make their nests, the cockies and the maggies set up shop there. 18 The grass
covered hills are the home of the Golden Sun moth, the holes in the ground are
for the wombats. 19 You made the moon so we’d know the seasons, and you tell
the sun when to go to bed.
20 You make the night dark, when all the marsupials
come out. 21 The young dingos yelp for their prey, seeking their tucker from
God. 22 When the sun comes up, they go bed. 23 People get up
and work till knock off time.
24 God you’re a clever bloke and you’ve
made a lot of great stuff. The earth is full of animals you’ve made.
Psalm 104 tells us that in the plan of God, there is a place for everything and everything has its place. The early part of this Psalm is a commentary on Genesis 1, where God separates the waters above from the waters below and the sea from the dry land. Everything is set up as it should be, as God's creation temple. And it is very good.
And yet the command for humans to be fruitful and multiply has been taken too far (Genesis 1:26-28) and we are now denying the place for everything. Remember the blessing to be fruitful and multiply was given to birds and fish (verses 20-22). Setting aside the land at Kyneton for both low impact farming and conservation is a reversal of this crowding out.
Water is an essential element for life on Earth and a precious commodity in the Middle East and in Australia. The Murray River system is an example of a system in crisis, where climate change and over allocation of water rob the natural ecosystem and those downstream of water. Of the seven verses that speak of water and God watering the earth (Psalm 104:10-16), only a couple talk about human needs. We need to learn to better share this precious resource.
Another thing that emerges from the Psalm is that it provides a balance to Genesis 1 and its blessing to humans to image God to the creation. In our crowding out of other species, we mar this image. Psalm 104 tells us that God is in charge and tends for other creatures, including the things that some people find ugly. For some Christians, predation is caused by the fall. For others, it is part of the natural order. He we see quite clearly (in the original, not my colloquial version) that God feeds the lions, those creatures David fought to defend his flock, and that food is other animals. Divine care includes everything that we like and perhaps much we don't. Creation care means protecting all of these things.
The last point to make from this section (I've not included the marine environment since the event was on land) is that contemplating creation is praise, it's doxological. And therefore so is creation care. We've often boxed worship as something done on Sunday in church, with hymn books and data projectors and music, when it can be done outside pulling weeds and building fences. Worship is much broader than we often allow (in hindsight I could have mentioned Romans 12:1-2 in this context), and so long as we remember that the creation has a creator, we won't end up falling into worshiping what we are working to care for.
We can learn from Indigenous Christians here, as not only have the first Australians been caring for the land for millennia, they would also say they have always worshiped the creator, and not the creation. When the message of Jesus came, they received him as the fulfillment of their beliefs.
So creation care such that Friends of A Rocha Australia engage in reverses the exclusion we have done and restores some places for other creatures, recognises that we are a part of creation who needs to share with others, and is an act of praise.
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