Yesterday I had the opportunity to record two weeks of interviews for the Channel 31 program, Harmony in Diversity. Norm, the program host, and David the producer were great to work with.
I talked about my childhood journey and into adulthood about my ecological and Christian conversions, and about ecotheology and ecomission, including this blog, and the book that I'm co-authoring with Claire Dawson entitled A climate of hope: church and mission in a warming world (I may not have the subtitled 100% correct). It will be published by Urban Neighbours of Hope (UNOH) and should be out by Christmas.
I'm introduced as an ecotheologian and meteorologist. I realise that one is my profession, but the more and more I read I realise that the former is purely aspirational, but necessary to describe what I'm trying to achieve: reflect theologically about our relationship with creation.
The programs that were recorded will be screened in Melbourne over the next two weeks, and will also appear on the program's Youtube channel.